Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Golf Tournament A Great Success!

I want to be the first to congratulate Darcy Segin, Marc Charlton, and Waylon Sharp for putting together a perfect golf tournament. It ran tickity boo!!! And no hitches, and lots of happy golfers. Lots of smiles, good food and good company….

Special thanks to Darcy and the team arranging for the handouts: cookies, golf tees, sunscreen, dry pepperonis, two bite brownies, reusable shopping bags and on and on. Thanks to Darcy for arranging for the water bottles and trophies, and the dinner (steak was great). And, with Marc, Debra and Darcy preparing the promotions and handouts, the registration was a smooth and quick process.

Also a special thanks to Heidi Hesch who was the perfect public relations rep for the OFPA. Heidi handled the photographs, and getting the teams’ pictures printed and distributed; collected the golf cards, co-ordinated the draw tickets, and more..... As a whole she did a great job!!!

Many hands make light work. So, my thanks to all. (Because the day was seamless, if I missed anyone, my apologies). As an aside, I actually had time to enjoy the festivities. Thank you.

It was a total success, and I heard many say they were looking forward to next year’s event – using the same programme!!! Well done.

Gail (Evans) Seeds